Jamie Whiffen's profile

Project365 - One Photo. Every Day. For a Year.

I gave myself the task of taking a photograph every single day for an entire year.

As you look through my favourite photos taken over the past year you will see so many different styles, subjects and editing; this is deliberate as I wanted to do to force myself into learning what I like and dislike as a photographer.
It has been the most challenging yet rewarding thing I have ever done and has dramatically improved my photographic eye, editing skills and overall appreciation for the visual still medium. I started the project on February 4th, 2016 after I came to the conclusion that my photography skills were not at a level that I wanted them to be and that my camera and lenses were simply collecting dust on my shelf. Thus Project365 was born!

Now that I am at the end of my journey and only one day past 366/366, I oddly feel quite lost — I know that it might sound a little over-sentimental and ‘What on earth are you talking about?!’ but I honestly feel like a part of me has died completing the challenge. It has become such a habit, such a part of me, such a constant internal thought to look out for something eye catching that I don’t necessarily know what do with myself.

You can read more about how I felt when I finished my Project365 here.

You can also see the full Project365 from Day 1 - Day 365 on my Flickr here 
(I get better as I go on, promise!)

Alternatively I have a video dedicated to surviving Project365 on my YouTube channel.
Project365 - One Photo. Every Day. For a Year.

Project365 - One Photo. Every Day. For a Year.

I gave myself the task of taking a photo every single day for an entire year. Here are my favourite photos in that time.
